The following presentations have been approved to be on our website. The Pennsylvania Chapter is not responsible for the materials or opinions presented during the conference.
If you were a presenter at the conference and wish to share your presentation email them to and we will post them. Thank you for coming to the Annual Conference, we will see you next year in Scranton.
Presentations are below:
Main Sessions
- Opening Keynote | We Say Yes! An Affirmative Agenda for Sustainable Growth | 1.25 CM (view presentation)
- Plenary | City and County Together Again! | 1.50 CM (view presentation)
- Pitkin Lecture | Extroverted Urbansim | 1.25 CM
Mobile Workshops
- M1. The Mount Penn Preserve: Securing the Legacy | 3.00 CM
- M2. Adaptive Reuse: How Local Government and Developers Can Succeed When They Work Together | 1.50 CM
- M3. Discover Downtown Reading | 1.50 CM
- M4. Tour of Berks Nature | 1.75 CM
Concurrent Session A
- A1. Connecting with Audiences: Story Mapping and Online Planning | 1.50 CM (view presentation)
- A2. Ethics Case of the Year | 1.50 CM Ethics (view presentation)
- A3. Planning for Freight/Logistics and Industrial Development: Lessons Learned (view presentation)
- A4. Creating and Sustaining Effective Local Preservation Programs
- A5. The Suburban Apartment Boom: Understanding the Opportunities and Implications of Multifamily Housing | 1.50 CM (view presentation by Brian O’Leary)
- A6. City, College Collaboration: Vision, Goals and Strategies | 1.50 CM
Concurrent Session B
- B1. Planning a Sustainable Future for Reading, Part 1 | 0.75 CM
- B2. Missing People Costs Money | 0.75 CM (view presentation by Jennifer Shultz)
- B3. Why Revitalize West Reading | 0.75 CM (view presentation)
- B4. Introduction to Pennsylvania’s New Long Range Transportation Plan | 0.75 CM (view presentation)
- B5. Demolition Review: A Historic Preservation Tool for Communities | 0.75 CM (view presentation)
- B6. Strategic Planning for Planning Agencies | 0.75 CM (view presentation) (view handout)
Concurrent Session C
- C1. Planning a Sustainable Future for Reading, Part 2 | 0.75 CM
- C2. Integrating Municipal Climate Change Concerns into County Hazard Mitigation Plans | 0.75 CM (view presentation)
- C3. Inclusionary Housing and Zoning: A Tool to Combat Housing | 0.75 CM (view presentation)
- C4. Use Google Earth to Redesign our Cities and Towns | 0.75 CM
- C5. New Wireless Communication Technologies and Their Impact on Communities | 0.75 CM (view presentation)
- C6. Collaborative Efforts to Achieve Real Stormwater Results | 0.75 CM
Concurrent Session D
- D1. Fast Fun Fervent (view presentations)
- D2. Bike Montco-New Approaches to Bicycle Planning in the Suburbs | 1.25 CM (view presentation by Matthew Edmund) (view presentation by Sarah Moran)
- D3. Importance and Challenges of Planning for and Saving a Middle Neighborhood in Bethlehem | 1.25 CM (view presentation)
- D4. Managing Expectations with TOD | 1.25 CM (view presentation)
- D5. Implementable Comprehensive Plans: Keys to Success | 1.25 CM
- D6. Hug Your Local Code Enforcement Officer: They Implement Your Plan | 1.25 CM
- D7. Collaborating on Transportation: Getting Us Where We Need to Go | 1.25 CM (view presentation)
Concurrent Session E
- E1. Tools for Getting the Entire Community Engaged | 1.50 CM (view presentation) (view presentation by Justin Dula)
- E2. Innovative County Comprehensive Plans | 1.50 CM (view presentation) (executive summary by Scott Standish)
- E3. Transportation Partnership: Keeping Businesses and Communities Safe, Connected, and Vibrant | 1.50 CM (view presentation)
- E4. Missing Middle Housing: An Economic and Fiscal Imperative | 1.50 CM (view presentation)
- E5. Pennsylvania Land Use Law Update: Appellate Cases from 2017-2019 | 1.50 CM Law (view presentation)
- E6. The Keystone Economic and Employment Plan: Using the Specific Plan to Promote Redevelopment | 1.50 CM (view presentation by Mike Narcowich)
- E7. Pittsburgh’s Neighborhood Plan Guide: A Collaborative Framework for Sustainable Communities | 1.50 CM (view presentation)
- E8. Intergovernmental Cooperation: The Berks County Experience | 1.50 CM
Concurrent Session F
- F1. Fast Fun Fervent: Economic Development | 1.50 CM (view presentation)
- F2. What Shapes Zoning in Pennsylvania: The Limits to Zoning | 1.50 CM Law
- F3. Common Ground: Planning for Equitable Investments in Public Parks | 1.50 CM (view presentation)
- F4. AICP: Is This Certification for You?
- F5. Our Planet is Changing, Are You? Planning for Change | 1.50 CM (view presentation)
- F6. Lancaster City: Red Rose Rising | 1.50 CM (view presentation)
- F7. To Shrink or Not to Shrink | 1.50 CM
Concurrent Session G
- G1. Application of Ethical Principles in Planning and the Rules of Professional Conduct | 1.50 CM Ethics (view presentation)
- G2. Building a Stronger Planning Commission | 1.50 CM
- G3. Choose Your Own Adventure in Vision Zero | 1.50 CM (view presentation)
- G4. Out of the Box: Public Art, Placemaking and Plan | 1.50 CM (view presentation by Todd Bressi) (view presentation by Joanna Davis Seedorf) (view presentation by Aislinn Prentecost-Farrin)
- G5. Deep Dive into Reading: Past, Present and Future | 1.50 CM (view presentation)