AICP Certification Maintenance Credit
Certification Maintenance (CM) strengthens the value of your AICP certification, demonstrating your ongoing commitment to excellence to elected officials, community leaders, and employers. AICPs must earn 32 credits for approved training over a 2 year cycle, including 1.5 credits for law and 1.5 credits for ethics. Up to sixteen credits may be carried into the next reporting cycle, excluding law and ethics. There are multiple opportunities to earn CM credit, including free webcast courses, the PA Chapter’s annual conference, and other events. For a full listing of CM training available in Pennsylvania, visit the AICP CM Opportunities list. For additional information on the CM program, visit APA’s AICP website section.
- Members are responsible for reporting their credits using APA’s online CM log at
- When attending CM activities, plan to stay for the scheduled event duration to earn your credits.
- Members may self-report up to eight credits per cycle, which can include pro-bono planning work and volunteer work with APA PA or a section.
- PA Chapter of APA is a registered CM provider.
- Exemptions for CM may be granted for retirement, unemployment, foreign practice, and personal hardship. For more information got to
- Lapsed AICPs may apply for reinstatement through a process established by APA. See the APA website for additional information.
- For the most current information on AICP renewal, Certification Maintenance (CM) credits, AICP publications, and other useful news and information, visit
Opportunities to Earn CM Credits
At the state level we are working to assist PA planners in meeting their required 32 credits with minimal costs. A variety of options are currently available, some at little or no cost. We will continue to seek out and publicize additional CM activities:
- Webinar Wednesday
These monthly webinars are the first Wednesday of every month. Please visit our calendar for more information. - PA Chapter Annual Conference
An important source of training opportunities including 10-13 CM credits and required credits for law and ethics. - AICP CM Opportunities web page
Be sure to check this page on our website frequently. We are continually publishing new CM activities. Most importantly, we include CM Pending events unlike the APA website. - Monthly Webcasts-Planning Webcast Consortium
PA Chapter has partnered with other APA chapters and divisions to bring you a series of FREE CM webcasts, a limited number of which are available as distance learning. Earn free CM credits from your computer. See the Ohio Chapter website for the full schedule and latest information. - APA
APA continues to respond to member concerns and offer affordable options to earn CM credits. The APA website ( now includes a webpage dedicated to free CM training, currently including more than 25 credits. Click here: - Distance Learning Opportunities
Multiple on-demand online courses are available from APA and APA chapters, including in law and ethics. Within APA’s CM system, search for CM activities and then filter the CM search through on-demand courses law, or ethics, and APA to find the current offerings. At times there may be free options from APA chapters that have been registered for on-demand CM credits. To search for free options, select the “free” filter within the CM search system.