Board of Directors
(Includes the above Executive Committee Members and those indicated below)
Professional Development Officer Chair
Alexis Williams, AICP
Planning Officials Development Officer Chair
Troy Truax, AICP
Michael Baker, Inc.
Legislative Committee Chair
Ed LeClear, AICP
Borough of State College
Student Engagement Co-Chairs
David Hunter, AICP
Berks County Planning Commission
Jeff Raykes, AICP, DEd
Stuart Group
Communications Chair
Amy Evans, AICP
York County Planning Commission
Student Representative
Central Section
Professional Planner Representative (alternate)
Section Chair
Rachelle Abbott, AICP
STEP, Inc.
Professional Planner Representative
Pam Shellenberger, AICP
York County Planning Commission
Planning Official/Commissioner Representative
Scott Haverstick
Lancaster County Planning Commissiom
Planning Official/Commissioner Representative
Lehigh Valley/Berks Section
Professional Planner Representative
Section Chair
Craig Beavers
Palmer Township
Professional Planner Representative (alternate)
Tina Roseberry, AICP
Planning Official/Commissioner Representative
Planning Official/Commissioner Representative (alternate)
Northeast Section
Professional Planner Representative
Section Chair
Kate McMahon, AICP
Northeastern Pennsylvania Alliance
Professional Planner Representative (alternate)
Peter Wulfhorst, AICP
Penn State Extension
Planning Official/ Commissioner Representative
Cindy Campbell
Lackawanna County Regional Planning Commission
Planning Official/ Commissioner Representative (alternate)
Northwest Section
Professional Planner Representative
Section Chair
Zachary Norwood
Crawford County Planning Office
Professional Planner Representative (alternate)
Travis Siegel
Northwest Commission
Planning Official/ Commissioner Representative
Planning Official/ Commissioner Representative (alternate)
Southwest Section
Professional Planner Representative
Section Chair
Laura Ludwig, AICP
Herbert, Rowland, Grubic, Inc.
Professional Planner Representative (alternate)
Vice Chair
Jeff Raykes, AICP
Stuart Group
Planning Official/ Commissioner Representative
Jim Segedy, FAICP
Planning Official/ Commissioner Representative (alternate)
Southeast Section
Professional Planner Representative
Section Chair
John Federico, PE, PP, AICP
Professional Planner Representative (alternate)
Vice Chair
Pattie E.B. Guttenplan, RLA, AICP
Montgomery County Planning Commission
Planning Official/ Commissioner Representative
Charlie Guttenplan, AICP
Planning Official/ Commissioner Representative (alternate)