The following presentations have been approved to be on our website. The Pennsylvania Chapter is not responsible for the materials or opinions presented during the conference.
If you were a presenter at the conference and wish to share your presentation email them to and we will post them.
Thank you for coming to the Annual Conference, we will see you next year in State College.
Presentations are below:
Main Sessions
- Opening Keynote: Planning for Place and People | 1.25 CM
- Pitkin Lecture: Growing Philadelphia’s Future at 30th Street Station | 1.00 CM (view presentation)
Mobile Workshops
- M1. Winery & Brewery Tour: Highlights of Local Agricultural Practices and Products | 3.00 CM
- M3. Transforming a Steel Town with Arts and Culture | 3.50 CM
- M4. Easton Revitalization | 3.50 CM
- M6. Allentown Historic Preservation | 3.00 CM
- M8. Allentown’s Rejuvenated Downtown Core | 1.50 CM
Concurrent Sessions A
- A1. Legal Updates | 1.50 CM Law (view handout)
- A2. Navigating the Revised Code of Ethics | 1.50 CM Ethics (view presentation) (view handout) (view reference guide)
- A3. Water Design in Urban Environments: Planning and Implementing Green Stormwater Infrastructure | 1.50 CM (view presentation)
- A4. Company’s Coming: Taxation, Zoning, & Licensing for Short-Term Residential Rentals | 1.50 CM (view presentation)
Concurrent Sessions B
- B1. How Community Planning is Being Shaped by MS4 Regulations and Things You Should Consider Moving Forward | 1.25 CM (view presentation)
- B2. Green and Sustainable Parking Lots: Making Them More Than Paved Areas to Park Your Car | 1.25 CM
- B3. Getting Out From Behind the Wheel: Promoting Walkability at the Local Level | 1.25 CM
- B4. A Municipal Approach to Helping Communities Activate Vacant Land | 1.25 CM (view presentation)
- B5. The Story of the Circuit: Connecting the Dots to Build a Metropolitan-wide 750-Mile Multi-Use Trail Network | 1.25 CM (view presentation)
- B6. If You Build It, How Will They Come? | 1.25 CM
Concurrent Sessions C
- C1. Upside Allentown: A Community-Based Neighborhood Improvement Strategy | 1.25 CM (view presentation) (view handout)
- C2. Small Change/Big Impact: How Storefront Facade Improvements Can Revive Commercial Corridors | 1.25 CM (view presentation 1) (view presentation 2) (view presentation 3)
- C3. Entrepreneurship & Innovation Driving Economic Development in South Bethlehem | 1.25 CM (view presentation)
- C4. Our Children, Our Neighborhoods: Understanding the Neighborhood Impacts of Market-based School Reforms | 1.25 CM
- C5. Utilizing Planning Methods in the Public Works Department | 1.25 CM
- C6. Fast-Fun-Fervent: Transportation | 1.25 CM
Concurrent Sessions D
- D1. Revisioning Underutilized Assets + Planning Agency/Academic Partnerships | 1.50 CM (view presentation)
- D2. Implementing MS4: Models of Regional Collaboration for Creative, Cost-Effective Compliance | 1.50 CM (view presentation)
- D3. Confessions of a Wireless Communications Facility Convert | 1.50 CM Law
- D4. Finding Common Ground Amid the Changing Tide: Challenges and Successes in Maintaining Watershed Partnerships Through a Long Term Planning and Political Process | 1.50 CM (view presentation)
- D5. Creating a More Efficient Freight Network: Challenges and Opportunities | 1.50 CM (view presentation) (view handout 1) (view handout 2)
- D6. Fast-Fun-Fervent: Community and Economic Development | 1.50 CM
- Data Driven Place (view presentation)
- A Challenge to Planners: Streamline the Development Review Process (view presentation)
- Preserving Natural Greenways in a Community: The Upper Salford Township Greenway Guidebook (view presentation)
Concurrent Sessions E
- E1. Fiscal Impact Analysis: New Methods, New Data and Best Practices | 1.25 CM
- E2. Instituting Reuse: Achieving Successful Adaptive Reuse of Institutional Properties | 1.25 CM (view presentation 1) (view presentation 2)
- E3. Market Based Incentives for Smart Growth | 1.25 CM
- E4. Reinventing the Suburban Office Park: Planning and Zoning for Tomorrow’s Market | 1.25 CM
- E5. Is AICP Certification for You? (view presentation)
- E6. Providing Bike Facilities for the Strong and Fearless and Recreational Riders | 1.25 CM
Concurrent Sessions F
- F1. The Riverfront Plan: A Shared Vision for a Shared Riverfront | 1.50 CM
- F2. GIS and Land-Use Decision Making | 1.50 CM
- F3. Better Buses Benefit Pennsylvania’s Cities | 1.50 CM (view presentation)
- F4. Plan Now or Pay Later: Integrating Hazard Mitigation and Comprehensive Planning for More Resilient Communities | 1.50 CM (view presentation) (view handout 1) (view handout 2) (view handout 3)
- F5. SteelStacks Campus: The Transformation of the Bethlehem Steel Site into an Arts and Cultural Campus | 1.50 CM (view presentation)
- F6. Under Pressure – Pipelines and People: How to Get the Information You Need to Understand and Manage Pipelines | 1.50 CM (view presentation) (Pipeline Information Center Resources)
Concurrent Sessions G
- G1. Starting a Local Food Revolution: The Story of the Lehigh Valley | 1.50 CM
- G2. The Implementable Comprehensive Plan Revisited | 1.50 CM (view presentation) (view handout 1) (view handout 2)
- G3. Lehigh Valley Return on Environment Implementation | 1.50 CM (view presentation)
- G4. Beyond Codes: Fair Housing + Inclusionary Zoning | 1.50 CM Ethics
- G5. Zoning Hearing Board Testimony Tips, Tricks and War Stories | 1.50 CM Law (view presentation)
- G6. WALKLV: Sidewalk and Crosswalk Inventory | 1.50 CM