The following presentations have been approved to be on our website. The Pennsylvania Chapter is not responsible for the materials or opinions presented during the conference.
If you were a presenter at the conference and wish to share your presentation email them to and we will post them.
General Information:
Thank you for coming to the Annual Conference, we will see you next year in Allentown: Communities, Corridors, and Connections.
Presentations are below:
Main Sessions
- Opening Keynote: The 8-80 City: Creating Vibrant and Healthy Communities for All | 1.25 CM
- Pitkin Lecture: Making the Case for Planning | 1.0 CM
- Plenary: Sustainability: Fad, Fashion or Reality? | 1.50 CM
Mobile Workshops
- M1. Pittsburgh’s Three Rivers Heritage Trail-Connecting Neighborhoods, Businesses and Local Attractions | 2.50 CM
- M2. Emergent Millvale: How Diverse, Citizen-led Projects Can Collectively Create Effective Placemaking | 3.0 CM (view handout)
- M3. Over the River & Up the Hill Transportation History | 2.0 CM
- M4. Pittsburgh as Planning History Tour | 3.0 CM
- M5. Walking Exploration of Pittsburgh to Find 14 Patterns of Biophilic Design | 1.50 CM
Concurrent Sessions A
- A1. Protecting Pennsylvania’s Waterways through Forested Buffers | 1.50 CM (view handout) (view presentation)
- A2. One MPO’s Quest to Coordinate Human Services Transportation on a Regional Scale | 1.50 CM (view handout) (view presentation)
- A3. Changing the Rural Planning Paradigm | 1.50 CM (view presentation 1) (view presentation 2)
- A5. Implementing a Comprehensive Plan through Zoning | 1.50 CM (view presentation)
- A6. Planning without Power? You Gotta Have Friends | 1.50 CM
- A7. Lehigh Valley Return on Environment-Documenting the Economic Value of Open Space | 1.50 CM (view handout) (view presentation)
Concurrent Sessions B
- B1. Hazard Mitigation Plan Integration | 1.50 CM (view presentation 1) (view presentation 2)
- B2. Achieving Results through Integrated Land Use/Transportation Planning: A Corridor-Based Approach | 1.50 CM (view presentation)
- B3. The ABC’s of the Community Development Block Grant Program | 1.50 CM
- B4. Natural Assets as Economic Generators | 1.50 CM (view handout) (view presentation)
- B5. How to Make Evolving Zoning Codes Consistent, Clear, Usable, and Defensible | 1.50 CM Law
- B6. Creating Walkable Communities in PA-Local, Regional and State Perspectives | 1.50 CM (view presentation 1) (view presentation 2) (view presentation 3) (view presentation 4)
- B7. Assessing Affordable Housing Need: A Practical Toolkit | 1.50 CM (view presentation)
Concurrent Sessions C
- C1. 44 Communities for Water Quality: York County’s Regional Stormwater Approach | 1.25 CM
- C2. Planning for Place: Utilizing Data, Policy and Design Solutions to Support Placemaking within the Framework of a Traditional Comprehensive Plan | 1.25 CM
- C3. Community Resiliency Planning through Floodplain Analysis | 1.25 CM
- C4. From Blight to Bright: Latest Developments in Blight and Land Banking | 1.25 CM (view presentation)
- C5. Addressing the So-Called Agenda 21 ‘Conspiracy’ | 1.25 CM (view presentation)
- C7. Boomer Planners-Our Legacy to Pennsylvania Planning
Concurrent Sessions D
- D1. Preparing for the AICP Exam (view presentation)
- D2. Pipeline Infrastructure Task Force | 1.25 CM (view presentation)
- D3. Planning for Healthy Communities: Making the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice | 1.25 CM (view presentation)
- D4. Planning Consultants Roundtable | 1.25 CM
- D5. How Municipalities Can Fight the Challenge of Vacancy | 1.25 CM(view presentation)
- D7. Grass Roots Success Story-East Ohio Street Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements | 1.25 CM (view presentation)
Concurrent Sessions E
- E1. Planning Ethics and Ethical Planning Decisions | 1.50 CM Ethics
- E2. Review of Recent Land Use Decisions of the Commonwealth and Federal Courts and State Agencies | 1.50 CM Law
- E3. New Market Tax Credits | 1.50 CM (view presentation 1) (view presentation 2) (view presentation 3)
- E4. Engaging Communities in Large Landscape Planning | 1.50 CM
- E7. Fast-Fun-Fervent (view presentations)
Technology Salon
- C6, D6, & E6. Technology Salon (view presentation 1) (view presentation 2) (view presentation 3)
Concurrent Sessions F
- F1. Reimagining Our Relationship with Rain: Stormwater Solutions that Promote Efficiency, Reduce Cost and Enhance Communities | 1.25 CM
- F2. Energy Production Patterns and Community Impacts in Pennsylvania: Data Access and Analysis to Inform Planning | 1.25 CM
- F3. SEPTA’s Bike Action Plan: If You Build It,”Wheel” They Come? | 1.25 CM (view presentation)
- F4. Millennials and Social Media: Their Impacts on Planning, Land Use, and Design of Places | 1.25 CM (view presentation)
- F5. From Big Rigs to Buggies: A Lincoln Highway for All Users | 1.25 CM (view presentation 1) (view presentation 2) (view presentation 3) (Route 30 Streetscape Plan) (Planning Process)
- F6. Effective TDM Implementation in Congested Corridors (view handout) (view presentation)
- F7. Multi-Municipal Planning: Successfully Navigating Competing Interests, Shifting Priorities, and Hidden Agendas | 1.25 CM (view presentation)
Concurrent Sessions G
- G1. Shining a Light on Implementing Solar in Your Community | 1.50 CM (view handout 1) (view handout 2)
- G2. Legislative Update | 1.50 CM Law
- G3. Innovative Tools to Expand Public Participation in Transportation Planning | 1.50 CM
- G4. Ethics Case Study: Homewood Station Transit Oriented Development Study | 1.50 CM Ethics
- G5. Utilizing Planning Methods in the Public Works Department | 1.50 CM
- G6. The CDC as a Catalyst for Smart Growth and Investment | 1.50 CM
- G7. Making Use of Big Data-What You Can Learn from Detailed Real Estate Data | 1.50 CM