Tools for An Effective Planning Commissioner

This video provides planning commissioners with an overview of what planning commissions do and where they fit in their city, borough, township or county government. The basic tools of comprehensive planning, subdivision and land development regulation, and zoning are described so commissioners can learn how they can effectively contribute to the quality of life in their municipalities.

eLibrary for municipal land use documents

Pennsylvania has a new and improved land use eLibrary. The online resource for planning and land use documents throughout the state has been modernized and made easier to use. 

Annual Conference 2012

View the presentation files, Final Program, Attendee List and other materials from the 2012 Annual Conference.

Pennsylvania Chapter of APA Policy Statement on Transportation

Pennsylvania’s transportation system is one of our most significant assets economically and socially. It is diverse: An extensive web of highways, freight and passenger railroads, ports, mass transit systems and airports spread across the Commonwealth.

Pennsylvania Chapter of APA Policy Statement on Pollution Control

Significant progress has been made in air and water pollution but ozone and suspended particulate matter are still too high. Emissions of toxic substances into air and water remain high – air quality decreased by increased vehicle emissions as we travel longer distances to work. Greenhouse gas emissions rise seemingly inexorably. Human health problems increase, especially respiratory disorders, while obesity and diabetes rates rise partly because exercising falls off.