eLibrary for municipal land use documents

Pennsylvania has a new and improved land use eLibrary. The online resource for planning and land use documents throughout the state has been modernized and made easier to use. 

The eLibrary is a cooperative project of the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) and the County commissioners Association of Pennsylvania (CCAP).  The eLibrary provides ready online access to comprehensive plans, zoning ordinances, and subdivision and land development ordinances for Pennsylvania counties, cities, boroughs, and townships.  Document links or files are provided by local governments for posting on the eLibrary,

Please bookmark the newly designed website.  The old address will stop redirecting users on January 1, 2013. 

Local governments are encouraged to check their listing on the new eLibrary.  If the current comprehensive plan, zoning ordinance, and/or subdivision and land development ordinance are not posted, please contact CCAP, Jim Shellenberger.

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