Gilbert M. Malone, Esq.
Malone and Neubaum
42 Duke Street
York, PA 17401
Email Gilbert
Summary Report 2001-2010 MPC Subcommittee, July 2010
The Chapter is currently pursuing two (2) avenues for furthering the work of the Subcommittee. One in the re-activation of the Subcommittee and the other is requesting the PA Local Government Commission to consider re-establishing a multi-organizational and legislative MPC Task Force in 2011. Stan Lembeck recently resigned from his position as Chair of the Subcommittee after many years of service; he is to be commended for his diligence and dedication to the work of drafting a new MPC since 2003. Gilbert Malone, a land use attorney from York and a long-time member of the Subcommittee, has agreed to serve as Chair to complete the mission of drafting a new MPC.
This interim period provides an opportune time for members of the Chapter and others to review and comment on the work that has been completed to date. You are strongly encouraged to review the Summary Report and provide feedback. The “new” MPC needs to represent the best thinking of those directly involved in the day-to-day working of planning. Thus, your comments are vital to producing an effective product. Please send your comments/suggestions to Pam Shellenberger, AICP; email address
It is also noted that the Subcommittee has always welcomed new persons to participate in the work. If you are interested in participating on a future re-activated MPC Subcommittee or re-established PA Local Government Commission MPC Task Force, please inform Pam and you will be kept abreast of any future endeavors.
Download the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (PDF)
2002 Report of the PA Chapter of APA MPC Task Force
- Click here to view the 2002 Report (PDF format)