In Memoriam of Larry S. Waetzman
We’re sad to report on the passing of Larry S. Waetzman, AICP, PP. His experience and credentials include: Four Decades of responsible professional planning, charter member of American Institute of Certified …
In Memoriam of Elaine Moranz
Elaine Moranz, Delaware County Planning Director in the mid-1970’s died of ovarian cancer on October 27th 2011 at Bryn Mawr Hospital. Born in Clayton, Missouri, Elaine attended the University of …
In Memoriam of Arthur F. Loeben
Arthur F. Loeben, 92 of Gwynedd, PA died on October 18, 2011 at Foulkeways. He was the beloved husband of the late Billie Joe (Teague) Loeben. He was born in …
In Memoriam of Glenn Taggart
Company founder and Vice President Glenn Taggart worked in the planning sectors of transportation and economic development as well as consulting in public involvement and project management for nearly 40 …
In Memoriam of Edmund Bacon
Edmund Bacon, 95, the brilliant, irascible city planner who spent much of the first part of the 20th century reinventing Philadelphia and the American city and much of the latter …
In Memoriam Is Stollman
For decades, the name Israel Stollman, FAICP, was synonymous with urban planning. Known for his comprehensive view of the field, Stollman was instrumental in the 1978 consolidation of two planning …
In Memoriam Frederick “Fred” Haigh Bair, Jr.
Fred Bair, Jr., a planning pioneer and author who enjoyed a varied career in government and private practice, died February 14, 2005, in Auburndale, Florida. He was 89. He is …