2016 Planning Excellence Award – Best Practice
Zoning Ordinance of Clymer Borough
Clymer Borough, Indiana County Office of Planning & Development, Environmental Planning & Design, Indiana University of PA, Zanetta Illustrations, UpStreet Architecture
In December 2014 Clymer Borough, a rural coal town with 1,357 people, enacted its first-ever zoning ordinance. The ordinance it chose to enact, after year of evaluation of various formats with the Indiana County Office of Planning & Development, is form-based. The ordinance focuses on a point of pride, the community’s historic, small-town, and walkable character, and it minimizes use and other regulations perceived as burdensome. Citizens were active in developing the ordinance which led to strong support for the ordinance and increased interest generally in community affairs and service on board and committees.
tags: Zoning (General)