2015 Planning Excellence Award – Public Outreach
Paoli Road Improvement Feasibility Study & Public Participation Project
McMahon Associates, Town Planning Partnership, Glackin Thomas Panzak, Meliora Design, Stell Environmental Enterprises, Greater Valley Forge TMA, Tredyffrin Township
The study of transportation solutions for Paoli Road in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, involved a remarkable level of public involvement: a project website; five neighborhood meetings; five business stakeholder meetings; three open houses with total attendance of 724; survey with 244 responders; visual preference surveys from 520 participants; and seven property owner meetings. The public outreach program identified community vision and objectives early in the program identified community vision and objectives early in the process, then drove the transportation solutions and related land use policy changes, including priorities for walkability and place-making.
tags: Public Outreach and Participation, Transportation Planning