2017 Daniel Burnham Award for Comprehensive Plan
Comprehensive Plan for the Preservation, Infill, and Redevelopment of Lower Merion Township
Lower Merion Township (Montgomery County)
The 2016 Lower Merion Comprehensive Plan is the township’s fifth comprehensive plan and continues a long-standing commitment to innovative planning. The plan is both visionary and pragmatic. It is issues-based and solution-driven. The plan is dense and detailed, but with graphics, maps, and photographs that enable readers to understand the issues, planning concepts, and recommended solutions. The plan emphasizes the need for form-based revisions to land development codes to support Lower Merion’s established patterns and original design intent. The plan is outstanding in the level and breadth of issues addressed, the number of individuals involved, and the dynamic approach taken to chart the course for the next 10 years.
- Comprehensive Plan for the Preservation, Infill, and Redevelopment of Lower Merion Township: http://www.lowermerion.org/services/building-and-planning-department/planning-division/comprehensive-plan
tags: Comprehensive Planning