In 2007 and 2008, state and federal courts across the country handed down hundreds of decisions affecting the practice of planning and land use law. This program highlights some of the more important decisions and explains their significance. In addition, through the panel members’ ongoing analysis of trends in planning law, you will gain insights and practice tips into some of the cutting edge challenges facing planners and lawyers including the integration of green development principles with local planning and zoning. This past year there seemed to be a growing number of federal court cases addressing a wide range of topics such as the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, and signs and billboards (and in particular billboards that frequently flash or change messages).
CD-ROM includes a recording of this audio session synchronized with a PowerPoint presentation, program transcript, PowerPoint presentation note sheets, and supplemental reading materials.
- Timothy D. Bates, Robinson & Cole LLP Land Use
- Jason L. Jordan, American Planning Association
- Daniel A. Spitzer, Hodgson Russ LLP
- Alan Weinstein, Cleveland Marshall College of Law
- Moderator: Patricia E. Salkin, Albany Law School