Can communities ever have enough parking? Can they have too much? This program examines the ever-vexing problem of how much parking is necessary for each type of business or use. Find out what a comprehensive parking plan contains. Learn how to conduct a parking analysis. Explore techniques that have worked in other communities, such as shared parking. Learn how to decide whether to charge for parking, and if so, how much. Plus, panelists address design issues that can lessen the visual impact of automobiles and parking on the community character.
CD-ROM includes a recording of this audio session synchronized with a PowerPoint presentation, program transcript, PowerPoint presentation note sheets, and supplemental reading materials.
- Frank S. Koppelman, Northwestern University
- Jim Roberts, Redmond (Washington) Planning Department
- John Dorsett, Walker Parking Consultants
- Moderator: Stuart Meck, FAICP, American Planning Association