AICP CM Opportunities
Webinar Wednesday: Ways Municipalities Can Expand the Supply and Affordability of Housing
Ways Municipalities Can Expand the Supply and Affordability of Housing The session will address ways that municipalities in PA. can assist in addressing the national housing crisis, by revising ordinances to promote an expanded supply and increased affordability of various types of housing. Topics include promoting the conversion of offices and old mill buildings into …
APA PA Annual Conference
Erie Bayfront Convention Center Erie, PA, United StatesSave the date, October 13-15, 2024
APA PA Central Section: Let’s Talk Housing!
Giant Food Superstore Camp Hill 3301 Trindle Rd, Camp Hill, PA, United StatesWHAT TO EXPECT Our Let’s Talk Housing slate of knowledgeable presenters will provide valuable information to help planners and others make an impact in their work and in local communities. You will learn: The current state of housing in the Commonwealth, including perspectives on how we got to where we are today and what it …
Webinar Wednesday: AICP Code of Ethics
AICP Code of Ethics The AICP Code of Ethics was recently updated in 2021 with the updated code going into effect January 1, 2022. This session will present a summary of the updated AICP Code of Ethics followed by a review of several ethical scenarios/case studies. The review of the updated AICP Code of Ethics …
Mid-Atlantic Planning Collaboration Webinar on Climate-Smart Agriculture
Free webinar on Climate-Smart Agriculture to be presented on Thursday, November 21, 2024 from Noon-1;30 PM. This webinar entitled “Climate-Smart Agriculture: Planning for a Resilient, Sustainable and Innovative Agricultural Future” will be hosted by the PA Chapter of APA’s President, Leah Eppinger, AICP. Agriculture is one of the biggest industries and largest land uses in …
Webinar Wednesday: Pennsylvania Land Use Law Update…
Pennsylvania Land Use Law Update: Appellate Cases from 2023-2024 Pennsylvania appellate cases will be presented in traditional lecture format as well as interactively with hypotheticals to demonstrate how a recent case decided the outcome. Cases will cover topics related to zoning (variances, special exceptions, and conditional uses) and subdivision & land development (plan approvals, modifications, …
Webinar Wednesday: Climate Change Adaptation Planning…
Climate Change Adaptation Planning in the Great Lakes The International Joint Commission (IJC) Water Quality Board (WQB) initiated the Climate Change Adaptation in the Great Lakes project to develop a robust community of practice and provide access to dynamic planning tools designed for local and regional governments to support climate resilience in Great Lakes communities. …