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TOD: Maximizing Opportunities in Your Community | 5 CM
May 17, 2013 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday, May 17, 2013
10 AM – 4 PM
UPMC McKeesport
Map to Event: Click here for directions
Registration Fee: $25, includes handouts, refreshments and lunch (Register here now)
This program has been approved for 5 CM credits through the American Planning Association
Southwestern Pennsylvania municipalities can capitalize on the presence of transit in their communities. How does your community ATTRACT investment to help make viable and sustain transit INVESTMENT? What are the factors that drive successful transit oriented developments? How can you best utilize your community’s current assets to make TOD a reality? Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission’s Future Investments in TOD (FIT) tool is designed to help figure it out.
FIT is designed for local elected and appointed officials, community planners, transit agencies and developers to help objectively assess a community to determine if a site is suitable for TOD, by helping communities develop a framework for site planning. This program is an encore performance of an LGA “learning laboratory,’ featuring classroom instruction and a field case study.
For more information visit the Local Government Academy website or view the TOD: Maximizing Opportunities in Your Community Flyer